An informal gathering for weavers

You’ve already been to a tapestry class or you’re a regular weaver, and you’d like to meet with other weavers to chat about ideas and techniques.

The ** NEW** Tapestry Salon

Who is this for?

Any tapestry weaver who has come across issues such as:    … I want to start my project but I’m not sure how?  I’ve forgotten how to do those knots!   How do I get that blend again?    I have ‘shed’ issues… 

And anyone who simply enjoys the company of other weavers and would like to chat about projects and exchange tips and ideas.

Each 'Salon' is a combination of catching up on techniques, talking through ideas and problem solving. So bring your frame, and any projects or issues you’re keen to chat about.

How does it work?

The Salons are a monthly informal "open house", in South-East London, (SE21). Thursdays 18.30 - 20.30. Forthcoming dates are below…

When and where do they take place?

Do I need to book & is there a cost?

You will need to reserve your space for each Salon, which cost £25 per session.

Salon Dates for your Diary:

Thursday 23rd May

Thursday 18th July

Thursday 29th August